Hi, I'm Vanessa!

My name is Vanessa and I am a visual artist, I love mixed media and specialize in textile art – I also love food, coffee and plants.

When I was little, I always had the idea that I would be a dancer, I had loved dancing as a form of expressing myself since I can remember. Throughout the years the need to express myself remained. However it slowly shifted into paint and photography. When I moved to Fort McMurray I kept taking photos and ended up capturing moments for different families in town. I think the love for photography comes from my dad, growing up he would always take pictures on trips, with my cousins, my sister and myself and having those memories to see now means the world to me.

While in Fort McMurray I was also able to work outside of photography and I am grateful for the businesses that allowed me to work and learn different skills. Fort McMurray was also the place I met my amazing husband and where we settled and our sweet little family.

When I was pregnant with my first, I found baby bonnets and I absolutely loved them! I decided I wanted to make them, but I struggled with the sewing, you see my mother is a seamstress so the expectation that I would be good at picking up sewing was there (on my side) but that wasn’t the case. You see a big memory for me while growing up was mom in her sewing room, I would be in my room studying or playing video games and all along the hallway of the house you could hear the sewing machine going non-stop. She would sew for hours and late evenings as well. I was always amazed on how she was able to make patterns and create such beautiful pieces with her fabrics. Perhaps sewing will be in my future, I think I may need some classes from my mom and lots of patience.

After the failed attempt at bonnets I gave embroidery a try and fell in love, it reminded me so much of painting just using a different medium. I decided to create Ellen Rose Design and after two years of embroidery and learning I am now setting up my site to bring you different pieces that will meld different mediums and showcase my craft.

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